Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Choice or Destiny

I don't know where to start with this, but Jeremiah 1:5 in the Bible sounds good. 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." (consecrated- appointed, ordained, etc.) So we know our Creator knew us before we came here. (We don't remember knowing Him then, and I could blab for 5 paragraphs about why, but in short, our pineal gland [called "the seat of the soul" by some ancient cultures & "the all-seeing eye" as early as ancient Egypt and even modern day freemasonry] produces a chemical called dimethyltryptamine when we are born, when we sleep, and when we die. One of the most obvious characteristics of this chemical is that is erases our memory of what has happened during the time it was active. This is why our dreams seem real at the time, and we remember a little bit upon the moments of first waking up, but a few hours later... forget it. [There are exceptions, sometimes we remember a significant amount of our dreams. Some people just remember them. Some people might have improper pineal function; fluoride is one of the things that deteriorate our pineal gland, so make sure you don't ever ingest it.] But for the most part, we forget our dreams, and the reason is dimethyltryptamine. The amount secreted at birth and death is significantly different than during REM [rapid eye movement] sleep. Much less during sleep and much more during birth and death. This explains how God knew us before, but we don't remember it. In fact, we don't remember anything that happened before we came here, and the reason is dimethyltryptamine.) The physical is temporary and the spiritual is eternal. My soul is spiritual; it didn't start on April 18, 1987. My soul came here then, but it came from a place where God knew me! During that time before I came here, God says he appointed a purpose to me. So we came into this reality with a purpose already. God's got plans for us. Plans to give us "a hope and a future". And what are plans? Aren't plans like... blueprints? And aren't blueprints kind of an outline of a big picture? This may sound silly, but when I picture my journey ahead of me, I picture a straight path of coloring pages. Each one has a picture of a major part of my reality. The blueprints, God's plans, are already laid out. The major facts are already set to happen; and I just don't believe those major facts change. I do believe that we have choice inside the blueprints. Those choices are like the colors we chose, but they really are only that much. The colors are like the "how" of everything. It's going to happen, it's just that our choices determine the "how" of the happening, because we do have free will. And that's where I believe free will comes in; we do get to choose the how... and most of the time, I choose to make the "how" a lot harder than it has to be!!

So what about our dreams? The things we want to do in life? Does that mean we can't choose our own future? It can't really be said that easily. We all have hopes, dreams, & goals. Where do those ideas come from? Don't they come from within us? Don't we pray for God's will to be done, and for Him to show us His will? Well, He does! Remember how God knew us before we came here? I'm sure we talked. I mean, that's what you do when you know someone right? It probably went something like this: "Okay Vanessa! Here's why I need you to go and here's what I'm gonna have you do. You wont remember this conversation, but it's ingrained into who you are, so remember to focus on your dreams because they will tell you what your purpose is."  I guess you could say we "choose" what we want for our future, but we're only doing so because we were programmed with a certain purpose before we even got here, so we "choose" it. If I say that I can choose my own future, I'm kind of implying that I exist independently, that it's all up to me.  I have thought this, and I guess I didn't really reason with it enough. In all honesty, I believe there is very little real choice when it comes to the big picture. Like the coloring book, the big purpose is laid out, and we can fill in the little ideas. We make little choices every day! It's limited choice though; the big picture stays. If you feel a little suffocated by the idea of having no choice when it comes to the big picture of your future, think of it like this. Why do we have desires? You were programmed to desire your destiny. God will give us the desires of our heart if we stay in his will.... what a coincidence!!! Our destiny is His will, and we are programmed to desire our destiny, so we make choices based on that innate desire. 

I believe that we each do have a destiny, and the best way to start finding out what that is, is to look at what your natural talents are and what you naturally love to do. Everything about your design is perfect; God makes no mistakes. He designed you with desires & talents to complement your purpose, your destiny. I know from inside what I believe mine is, and this is enough reason to not doubt my decisions, because even if I did something wrong, the big picture stays. It's just the "how" that is different! Although... destiny would probably happen faster if I (or my fear) didn't get in my damn way so much!

Just be: Just love

I was just wondering what time it was. "I hope it's around 3 o'clock. The newspaper will be here." I read this comic named Lio every day that's like... a parallel of my life, but all in symbolism. I feel like the artist must be living in the same coloring book but a week ahead of me... and with one hell of an imagination. Anyway, I looked at the clock and saw it was only 12:48. "WHAT?? I have to wait for over TWO HOURS?" I imagined for a minute that it had been 3 o'clock when I looked. "That would have been SOOOO AWESOME MAN." I could have gone to the mailbox and sat outside for 3 minutes to read and think about my little cartoon version of life. And then what? Looking forward to the next thing of course! Which is what? Write a song... go for a walk... this.. er uh...maybe that... Umm no, what I'm really wanting is a whole different situation that perhaps will not come for a while longer than I "expect." How about being content with what I'm doing in every now? It's the attitude thing. I told you it was easier said than done!!

If I keep up this belief & attidude, it's going to keep giving me more of that, because I'm operating on that system of "I'mmmmm not really likin' how things 'are'." On the other hand, if I started to just be content with what I'm doing... right now... than I would be attracting a future, or "situation", that would be more to my liking!!  This would be the outcome because I would have switched operating systems and began "attracting" based on a different belief. I decided I have to actually believe that I'm fine now. No worrying about anything else. You see, I once had a problem when I was always living in the past. I was getting in my own way of moving forward by thinking about things that I did that I wished I didn't do. So all I was attracting was more of the past. Then, for a really short period of time, I got to loving the now. I was so balanced! I think I started to get too comfortable or somethin', cause I started to think about how I wanted something better than what I had in that now. I wanted "the everything" that I didn't have. I wanted a future time. A better "situation". I wanted a different moment. So all I've been attracting since then is this same "situation" that I BELIEVE that I don't like so much. My reality is the projected product of this operating belief. Jesus taught "whatever you believe, it will be." (Mark 11:23)

I have to decide to adopt a belief of being positive with now. If I do that, I'll keep attracting my goals and dreams as we travel through time. (No really I'm serious V, if you aren't positive you can't attract your goals. You'll be negative and attract what you don't want). Focus on what's going on now and be positive whether you like it or not! (Remember conditioning? Conditioning is how we get our lessons.) If you don't like it, cry about it (let it out) and get over it... but for the love of God, get positive about now! I'm not saying that we shouldn't think about what we want to create. We should recall and meditate on our dreams. Think about em! Write about em!  Inside I'm longing for something else. I have dreams of a reality I want to create in my life. But remember the whole deal with balance? The rule applies here too. We can't accomplish our dreams if we shut them out. But at the same time, the answer is not to force them, it's to let them come. It's to keep believing. It's to practice being positive about now, while making choices to accept opportunities that come to you to make the dreams real. And they will come! It's just, maybe there is a "right time" for everything. If it's not the "right time," you will meet resistance. When I say "right time,"  I actually mean that other events need to happen first to get you to your goals.  I believe that major events happen for a reason, kind of as a catalyst for the next thing to happen. When I look back at my story and see how things in my life have happened, like how I ended choosing a school in Springfield, Missouri, it only happened because of previous events. It's because one thing has to happen in order for the next thing to happen... and this cycle eventually brings the opportunity, when the "time is right". (It's really just that the string of events has ended, and you got to your goal you have been creating with your imagination.) It's all orchestrated just perfectly! (I've been thinking a lot about choice and destiny. I believe in both, but aren't they opposites? If we get to choose what to create, then what's with destiny? I just thought of how they both make perfect sense together... I'll post another blog later on about it.)

(Sorry I'm jumping around. I'm still drinking coffee and I usually stop by 11. Somehow these ideas were acceptable as a one blog... in my head anyway.)

So uh... oh yeah. The be positive now thing. You know something? I think I get the "Just be" thing too! (I'm rather slow when it comes to the simple.) I guess it doesn't mean sit and do nothing, I think it would mean just be as you really are, a being of love. Decide to project out on reality your true inner operating system. You may have to kind of dig a little deeper than the surface, but you'll eventually find that the core of your being is love. So, just being is projecting love to whatever you have your attention on. And I know what I have mine on! But you know what the problem really is? Fear...  When I doubt that I'll be able to do something, it's my own fear. When I'm mean to someone, it's my own fear.

My brother was telling me that somehow he struck up one of those "state of humanity" conversations with a girl in a smoothie shop, and several times the girl said "It's all fear based, man." We talked about this idea for a while and after talking about so many different scenario's of what's going on in our daily life and the world at large, I've come to believe that all of our "problems" do stem from fear, if you trace back to cause of the cause of the cause. It's like the chaos theory, where the flap of a butterfly can trigger a whole system of events. Fear does the same thing, causing thing after thing, and then you get a situation, a problem, whether it's a problem in your own life or a problem in humanity as a whole. And while though most people can't see it, if you trace backward to the cause of the cause, you will get fear. My fear is based on old patterns. Patterns where fear guided my choices to begin with. How come some days we can break out of it and some days we can't? Well, maybe I'm 23 and I have more lessons to learn. And that's a good question to ask myself... what's been the themes here?? What else am I learning right now?? Um... lose the fear, be brave, and be brave.

Friday, September 24, 2010

All the world's a stage!

Think of your favorite actor. Why do you like him so much? Doesn't he have that little thing about him that's the same in every role? It's something that's just his... and every role you see him in, he does it perfectly because it's really him. He's not afraid to be his true self and express his heart in front of others. He's just being. The best actors are the one's who aren't acting!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Enjoy your smoothie, and your chaos!"

Today I went to a local farm to get my family's share of vegetables for the week. It's neat; we pay one price for the season and get a certain share of organic vegetables every week. It's one way to kind of move away from the conventional food system and support the local community. Anyway, I've had kind of a rough week. I've woken up everyday feeling like I didn't sleep right at all, and maybe that's what been making me feel weak and just plain down. I can't attribute it to much except perhaps something's not right with my spirit.
Anyway, the girl at the farm and I were talking about our week and what not. I told her about the smoothies we made with the greens last week, and about the absurd amount of chaos I've encountered this week. She gave me some more smoothie greens and I told her I couldn't wait to go make another one. "Well, see ya next time!" I said. "Alright! Enjoy your smoothie...and your chaos!"
I laughed. And then I thought about it the whole drive home. Why not? Why not at least try to enjoy every day of life, even when the conditions are throwing us for a loop? A real smart lady who taught me some neat things told me "If you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly." Feel the pain! Feel it fully and then get over it. It's conditioning. It's practice. It's good for you. Just embrace it because everything comes and goes. It will go. Feelings come and go. They don't make you who you are on the inside and they don't take up residence in you. They just come and go. Who you are is what stays. And since you're stayin' for a while, might as well get positive again when you're done experiencing the pain, cause let's be honest, it just feels better! There are lessons to be learned for all of us, so embrace what comes even though it hurts. Why is it happening? Well, Jesus said we reap what we sow, so it could just be a karmic cycle ending. Or it just could be life happening...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

They say it's all about your attitude.

I got served a cup of this concept on Sunday. In fact...let me tell you what happened, and then I'll get to the attitude thing!
I woke up Sunday morning in a disturbing mood. The second I opened my eyes, I knew I was mad. I don't know whether it was that I woke up to the phone ringing 40 times (we have no answering machine), or something that happened in a dream... but I didn't remember any of my dreams that night. I had slept 7 hours but still felt like a piece of crap. My whole body ached. I wanted to go back to sleep, but then Cricket started barking at a squirrel from the hall window. I got so mad. But I felt like such crap that I didn't even want to get out of bed to calm her down. So I yelled at her. Shortly after that, while trying to fall asleep again, I heard mom stomping down the stairs in the clogs she's been making that noise in for 20 years. OH MY GAWSHHHH. I got up. At least I can go make coffee. Like RIGHT NOW. I drifted stiffly downstairs like a piece of dead wood and didn't wanna see ANYONE. "Nenny!! You're up! YAYYY!! Did you have a good sleep honey?" said my sweet little mother. She still does that and I've been home for 2 months. "Nope." and I kept walking. What a bitch, right? I don't know what I was thinking either. I just felt like crap...I can't even explain how much crap I felt like. I went downstairs to make coffee. After I did so with only slightly more chaos than usual, I refilled my caffeine levels. (THANK GOD! Now I'm aware enough to go tell Mom and Cricket I'm sorry! Mom said no worries and Cricket just was like, "um...I know who you are anyways..")
So now I'm feeling like a wired piece of dead wood, which is basically the same but with more nerve. Mom asked me to bring the 5 cases of coconut water from the garage to the basement, about 12 steps. At this point I was still feeling mad. So I decided to chill out in my room for a few minutes and get in the mood for this huge project. After I was finished chilling, I went down and grabbed 2 cases (to save time; "I just gotta get to the next thing cause I'm sure not having a good time now") and took them into the basement. They were supposed to go up on a shelf, next to 35 jars of marinara sauce. I put the cases up to my right and CRACK! A jar of marinara fell, shattered, and/or splattered all over the floor. What?....WHAT???
I decided to go to my room and chill for 5 more minutes. Then I came back down, ready to clean up my mess. While I was cleaning it up, it gave me 20 minutes to pretty much think about anything I wanted. Of course, I began to analyze the situation. I realized that I created the scenario myself. You see, I went into this thinking it was a big ordeal. I was imagining about how much I didn't want to do it.  Normally, I love to help my parents with house stuff. But during the first half of this day, Murphy's Law was in full force. I felt like an alter ego. I felt like my demons were more active. I was red-zoning it. I wore a creepy mask. On these days, keeping a positive attitude is a hard nut to crack. I mean, when you wake up feeling like a dried teabag, how is that your fault? Well, I guess I wouldn't really look at it in a "who's fault it is" way. I looked at it this way. Life gives us these cycles of conditions ("history repeats itself") that we have to move through to "condition" us. Our souls grow. "Everything grows!" These conditions either make us stronger or weaker, depending on how we decide to handle them. If we have the will and strength to push the negative away, we can carry out that decision and the act of being able to make that choice makes us stronger, because it was hard to do! So then next time it becomes easier to do it because we've already worked that muscle group, get what I'm saying? But, if we can't choose the straight/narrow, we give way to and open the door to further negativity, causing us to attract even more chaos. So then we keep attracting it because of this "attitude". Which, I think our attitude reflects our belief, our operating system. Our attitude is like the manifested evidence of our belief. It's our hint to the world of how we feel inside. Attitude kind of sounds like the word altitude... that makes me think, "are you flying high or low?" If we have a good attitude, we are attracting positivity. From a quantom standpoint, or makes perfect sense...
The Universe consists of matter and energy. Everything physical is matter. Matter vibrates! Matter is atoms vibrating together. Technically, I should be able to put my hand through my desk, because the atoms are not touching each other. The reason I can't do this is because over 125 million atoms fit into the space the size of the period at the end of this sentence. It's a whole nother world in there. It's the quantum world. The word atom comes from two Greek words that mean "un" and "to cut". So, "uncuttable". It can't be broken down or divided any more. The atoms each have a nucleus. Inside the nucleus are positively charged protons. Orbiting the nucleus are negatively charged electrons. Matter responds to a conscious observer; whatever we vibrate, we attract. So if we are vibrating anger, (and anger is a negative emotion) then we will attract more negativity. We attract whatever we visualize or imagine. So if you don't want something to happen, don't sit there and worry about it, because you're thinking about it, and our imagination is the catalyst for manifesting what we want to create. So if you don't want to create it, don't think about it. Think about what you do want to create around you. If we are vibrating positivity, we are attracting positivity. We can create a reality of negativity or positivity just by changing our attitude.
Sometimes you just have to stop and charge yourself for a minute. Maybe lay down and clear your mind of everything. Try to get to feeling no emotion first.  I guess this would kind of be the effect when one "forgives them self". They're "letting it go" or "giving it to God." What are we really doing though? We can explain it in all the analogies we want, but we're really just choosing not to think about it anymore! I think the next and last thing to do would be to think about what you do want to create and feel. Ask your Creator for joy and peace, "with faith, believing." If you have that belief, you'll have that attitude! Easier said than done, eh?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chaos and reason... Love as belief

Everything physical is chaos. Everything spiritual is reason.  We give reality a purpose. We "know" there is something outside here. We just sense it; we perceive that there is more than this reality of chaos. We are the reason for the chaos; if we did not exist, neither would it. It's here for us! So why is it here for us? We know that matter responds directly to an observer. In fact, without an observer, electrons behave in chaos. But when an observer (i.e. "consciousness") is present, the electron behaves according to the laws of the physical reality. There are laws that govern this place; laws that are more constricting than what we're used to! How could we not be confused by what we're doing here?! Nothing about this place makes sense to our spiritual nature! But why? Why is it even here and why did we get sent here? I believe that we are meant to be conditioned here, and that is where the chaos comes in. If the physical reality was governed by reason, there would be no way for us to learn our lessons. We need chaos to grow. Everything grows; it's the one thing that everything with life on planet earth does. Plants grow, animals grow, humans grow. We all have "life". Life, or consciousness, is here to have a growing experience. It couldn't happen without the bad. We as spiritual beings are good. We are beings of light. (We are not "sinners"; we are good sparks of light to begin with and we are here to grow, with the help of chaos, to be more like our Creator. Aren't we always praying "to be more like You"? If we believe "I'm a sinner! I'm a bad person!" that's how we will continue to act. Our belief sets the tone for our reality. Our belief is like our operating system. Everything happens inside of it and is influenced by it's nature, or "the way that it is." Our belief is our "way".) The physical place is the part where the bad is allowed to come in. It's here for us too!! And it wants us!! :/ It's okay though! It's under the authority of our Creator too. It's just here to help us grow. In a Bible story, our Creator even gave evil permission to pick on Job, but the rule was that he couldn't kill him, i.e. "give him more than he could handle." Our Creator will not give us more than we can handle. Evil is just a property of the program. It's "necessary evil!" We wouldn't be able to do much growing if we didn't have hard things happen to us that strengthen us!

A great being appeared 2,000 years ago. He knew all the rules of how to live peacefully in the midst of the chaotic environment. There were other teachers who came and taught the same basic understandings of how to live in love before and after Jesus' time. Somebody had to!! Right? What about the millions of people who never heard Jesus' teachings? Too bad for them? Nah, I think our Creator had it figured out when he sent Ghandi, Lao Ztu, Buddha and so many other teachers. God IS love. So he sent people to TEACH love! The specifics of their teachings differed a little, but they all taught the same basic concepts that apply to us living our daily life and staying on the straight path. (I like to think of it as a virtual reality game, and keeping your avatar's heart status -the thing in the right hand corner of the screen- in the green zone! Or the love zone! The red zone to me is the "fear zone". I can tell how I'm doing by how I feel. When I'm depressed, I know I'm not living in love.) The problem is, this thing called religion sprung up (actually, MANY religions) after these great teachers who basically taught the same thing (yes, I know there are differences in their teachings, but they are petty differences. The major points of how to live peacefully and in love are congruent.) We all know where this idea of organized religion brought us. Now we all hate each other and kill each other over it. Must be right!

We've been letting chaos rule. We've let go of love! Isn't it time for everyone to stop guessing who they are? We are all a mirror of each other. We are all the same! There's a Russian proverb that says "Tell me who's your friend & I'll tell you who you are." This doesn't mean "Birds of a feather flock together." It means that you can understand your friend if you understand that he is no different than you. Lao Tzu said "If you want to know me, look inside yourself." We reflect each other. No one is greater than or less than.  They say someone is "one of a 'kind'". A kind is a family. The phrase "one of a kind" has always been used is a way that is a complete paradox to me. We are each one spark in an infinite ray of light. We are all unique and different from each other because we each have unique human minds. But our mind is different from our soul. Our soul is love! Our Creator is love! So why can't we just use love as a belief? Love should be everyone's operating system. Everything else would fall into place if people realized what we all have in common: LOVE! Each one of us possesses it, and God IS it,  so doesn't that kind of collectively make us one?! Don't you think we could try to live with a standard of just love (what God is), instead of throwing words like "holy" and "sinners" in to confuse us about who we are?

Monday, September 20, 2010


Good morning friends! I often like to sit and write down what I'm thinking about. Isn't it remarkable that we actually have this gift? Think back to when man wasn't able to carve words onto something physical, or better yet, communicate with others through this thing we call "language!" We are just so neat. I'm blown away by us every day! I like to take advantage of how much humanity has grown, and write down what I feel like writing down, because thoughts come and go; I'm just so thankful that we have gotten to this point where we can actually preserve our thoughts tangibly! It's a gift to humanity to help us grow even more! Usually I do so in a Mac stickie note, but my stickies are getting somewhat out of control!! So I thought, "Why not just start a blog for yourself, and if anyone wants to read it...they can?". So here we are and I'm glad to "see" you!

I will wait until a better name for the blog comes to me. I'm not gettin' anything right now, so "vanessa rose" is gonna have to do.

I decided to disable comments. I know I know, you think I'm way too cool to hear what you have to say. That's not the reason honeys!! I tend to look at life from a different angle than most, and I want to keep from creating a debate forum!! So, if you wanna read, read! If you don't wanna, don't. If you like it, tell your friends! If you don't like it, tell your friends! If you're into social networks like twitter or facebook, share the post with your friends; I'm sure they'll either like it or hate it. It might even give you someone to talk shit about!
